Being patriotic sometimes kills the cause of humanity

Shams Abbas
3 min readJul 22, 2020

Today, I met someone on social media who was amicable and provided me with companionship when no one else was available. We engaged in a friendly chat for about two hours, after which we bid each other goodnight as it was time to sleep. The next day, I responded to her poetry, and our conversation resumed. However, she seemed unresponsive, perhaps due to work, being at an institution, or other commitments.

Observing her strong patriotic stance, I decided to champion the cause of humanity instead of subscribing to blind patriotism. She held a strong bias against Indian individuals. Given her fervent patriotism, I shared a personal story involving Indian friends, recounting, “I had two Indian friends who would engage in multiplayer gaming with me for hours. Despite their older age, they treated me like a close relative. I used to post content, some of which was critical of Indians, yet they urged me to remain calm, questioning why I would blame their country if I didn’t perceive them negatively.” These friends were critical of their own media and government for sensationalizing issues, contributing to extremist sentiments. Prior to meeting them, I held the same patriotic views as the girl I met yesterday. They helped me understand the distinction between patriotism and humanity.

Initially, I had regarded them as adversaries when I first played with them, but as our conversations matured, I realized they were not our enemies. I want to clarify that I am not taking their side; I am merely advocating for humanity. Respecting others is a fundamental aspect of being human. The media on both sides perpetuate this tension by continually disseminating sensationalized reports that fuel animosity.

I have some questions for our media side:

What’s positive about it??

What’s good in spreading the poison???

What’s good in for getting your channel rating you’re killing the cause of humanity?

Why don’t you focus on the good aspects??



Look what our Religion told us that don’t treat the same with enemies as they treated you. I’m not saying to surrender against them NEVER. But why we become a blind patriotic person who has blood in their eyes. Na. I can’t be that blind person. And I don’t want anyone to become that kind of person. If they’re treating, you like a wretch then treat them with peace and harmony. It will surely slap your enemies’ faces. Because forgiving is what our religion told us. If we blame and do criticize our enemies and they reply to us the same then WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE, I mean what’s the difference between a person who has RELIGION and the one who has NO religion?

Think positive and Think about it…

Originally published at on July 22, 2020.

